

Ph值.D. 行为分析

亚洲博彩平台的行为分析研究生课程为希望在这一学科进一步学习的学生提供博士学位. PhD graduates become behavior-analytic reSearchers, instructors, practitioners. 亚洲博彩平台 professors expect graduates of the behavior analysis doctorate program to approach the world from the perspective of a behaviorist; to continue to contribute to behavioral reSearch; to inform their practice with current reSearch findings; to obtain academic and professional positions; and to effectively manage other behavior analysts under their supervision.

Flexible Program—Professional 文化

亚洲博彩平台的学生包括来自世界各地的专业人士,他们寻求获得更高水平的咨询技能. 选择亚洲博彩平台应用行为分析课程的学生为成为一名受人尊敬的专业人士奠定了必要的基础. 学生行为分析博士.D. 程序可以选择专注于临床应用行为分析或组织行为管理,通过在这些领域之一进行研究. 

为什么选择亚洲博彩平台攻读博士学位.D. 行为分析?


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You have two graduate study opportunities:

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行为分析协会国际认证委员会对亚洲博彩平台行为分析学院的校园研究生课程进行了认证, 包括博士行为分析.  BACB®已批准行为分析中的集中监督现场工作,以满足BCBA®考试体验部分的现场工作要求.

亚洲博彩平台's on-campus master's-level applied behavior analysis programs (applied behavior analysis, 组织行为管理, 和双项目)为学生提供研究生毕业后立即参加BCBA考试的要求. 如果博士生已完成硕士学位,但不是委员会认证的行为分析师®(BCBA)或不符合监管要求,可以参加BCBA考试, 亚洲博彩平台 offers coursework in Concentrated Supervised Fieldwork 行为分析.


Professors in the applied behavior analysis programs are dedicated, productive reSearchers and practitioners with a commitment to developing the field of behavior analysis. Training the next generation of behavior analytic reSearchers and practitioners, the faculty is made up of Board Certified Behavior Analysts. 学生得到教授一对一的关注,他们在研究和客户互动中与他们一起工作. 在应用行为分析课程中,紧密的学生-教授文化创造了一个专业的环境,学生被视为研究专业人员和同事,并展示了研究能力, 教学, 监督及谘询.


亚洲博彩平台的教授在他们的教学职责之外进行应用研究,在临床治疗或组织咨询等环境中工作. Ph.D. students participate in this reSearch, often publishing reSearch articles in respected ABA journals. 为教育工作者举办关于课堂行为问题的培训课程,并与儿童及其家庭合作提供评估, 斯科特自闭症治疗中心的培训和行为治疗是亚洲博彩平台应用行为分析项目提供现实世界经验的例子.

设施 & 资源

的 School of Psychology houses classrooms, 人类研究领域, 观察室、治疗室, 计算机设备, 两个会议室, 还有一个学生工作室/休息室. 除了, 斯科特自闭症治疗中心直接位于亚洲博彩平台的校园里,为自闭症和相关疾病的儿童提供现实世界的经验和研究. 绩效管理和行为分析学会学生协会也为应用行为分析课程的学生提供资源.

What can I do with a Career 行为分析?

Though behavior analysts are often best known for advances in autism treatment and support, the field offers a variety of options for graduates with a PhD in behavior analysis. 校友 of 亚洲博彩平台 behavior analysis programs reside around the world, 在商界工作, 学校, 诊所, 住院治疗中心, 组织家庭, 私人执业.

This same success is seen by the doctoral graduates, 在著名机构(如内布拉斯加州大学医学院/门罗·迈耶研究所)成功获得博士后奖学金或被聘为大学教员的人. Other graduates have obtained behavior analysis jobs as consultants or program directors.

的se applied behavior analysis jobs involve working with children, 自闭症患者, people with schizophrenia or intellectual disabilities. Graduates also work with employees in both for-profit and nonprofit organizations in business, 行业, 语言语音病理学, 动物行为与训练, 特殊教育.


Though applied behavior analysts are often best known for advances in autism treatment and support, graduates find work in a wide variety of fields working as consultants, independent contractors and as Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) professionals. 平均, 行为分析专业的博士毕业生的薪水和就业率都高于硕士或学士学位的毕业生, according to the US Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Some doctoral graduates also continue into academia as professors to teach the next generation of students.

职业展望手册, 由劳工统计局发布, provides detailed information about hundreds of occupations, 包括, 初级教育, 整体工作环境, 就业前景. 根据统计局, 到2022年,应用行为分析等心理学职业的总体就业预计将增长12%. This includes a higher demand for school psychologists to work with students, particularly those with special needs, 学习障碍, 以及行为问题. Jobs will also include professionals who can assess and counsel students, as well as study how in-school and out-of-school factors affect learning.

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) jobs include:

  • Private practice as a certified ABA providing early intervention services to children with autism
  • ABA in a school district assisting teachers to manage students with problem behavior
  • 在集体之家的ABA
  • ABA consultant to companies focusing on improving employee performance
  • ABA internal consultant to improve employee performance
  • Program manager or director of specialized school
  • 州或联邦政府的律师协会会员

Applied Behavior Analysis Training at the Doctoral Level


博士级的应用行为分析培训包括在一名教师的指导下参与高度基于行为的研究项目. Many professors are published authors and experts on many facets of applied behavior analysis, 如:

  • 行为经济学
  • 令牌的经济体
  • 自我管理
  • 运动心理学
  • 组织行为管理

如上所述, students participate in such reSearch as assessing and treatment behavior problems, 同时在斯科特自闭症治疗中心与教职员工一起进行研究.

除了, teams of faculty and students form to study topics in behavioral analysis, presenting their reSearch at state and national conferences, 例如佛罗里达行为分析协会(FABA)和国际行为分析协会(ABAI)的年度会议. 应用行为分析研究生课程的博士毕业生为从事学术职位做好了充分的准备, to continue active reSearch programs and to effectively manage behavior analysts under their supervision, 无论是研究还是实践. 


研究之外, ABA students often publish reSearch in respected ABA journals, 包括 the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Behavior Analysis in Practice, 行为干预. 校内和校外的组织和研究中心帮助学生更深入地研究应用行为分析培训, 如:

  • 的 Society for Performance Management-旨在促进该领域专业人员进行的最新研究和实践的最新信息.
  • 行为分析学生协会-定期会面讨论行为分析主题并举行该领域年度会议的硕士生和博士生.
  • 的 Scott Center for Autism Treatment—Specializes in working with children with autism and related disorders.
  • 亚洲博彩平台继续教育—Professional development courses and certification programs online.

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