



来自亚洲博彩平台的教育硕士为任何级别的课堂教师提供先进的教学, 管理, 测试, and assessment skills in the educational environment. By studying effective methodology, 理论, 材料, 学习方式, 毕业生成为更有效的教师和管理者,激励和指导学生

亚洲博彩平台’s program ensures that graduates are well-rounded professionals, prepared for a variety of educational careers. With a curriculum that complements and builds on previous study and classroom experience, the program includes study in theories and trends in education and educational statistics.

Flexible Schedule for Working Professionals

亚洲博彩平台通过在晚上或夏季提供教育硕士课程来适应工作教师的苛刻时间表. 这个项目很有挑战性, 与此同时,支持教师合作的专业社区,并从地区教育工作者和来自世界各地的亚洲博彩平台学生那里获得更深入的经验. 教育学硕士的学生也会根据他们最感兴趣的职业道路来定制Research项目和选修课程.

Why Pursue a 教育学硕士 at 亚洲博彩平台?

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Get the facts about graduate studies at 亚洲博彩平台

You have two graduate study opportunities:

  1. 在校园
  2. 下载毕业指南!

  3. At an Education Center near you
  4. Get the Education Center Brochure

You have three graduate study opportunities:

  1. 在校园
  2. 下载毕业指南!

  3. At an Education Center near you
  4. Get the Education Center Brochure

  5. 100%的在线
  6. Learn more about 亚洲博彩平台在线

You have two graduate study opportunities:

  1. 在校园
  2. 下载毕业指南!

  3. 100%的在线
  4. Learn more about 亚洲博彩平台在线

You have two graduate study opportunities:

  1. At an Education Center near you
  2. Get the Education Center Brochure

  3. 100%的在线
  4. Learn more about 亚洲博彩平台在线

亚洲博彩平台的教育项目为学生提供了一个独特的课程,融合了教育内容, 教学方法, 管理经验. 获得教育硕士学位的学生向未来的雇主表明,他们致力于自己的职业生涯,并有兴趣与该领域的同行和专家一起工作,并拥有一系列的教学和行政经验.


亚洲博彩平台的Research生向多元化且经验丰富的教育专业团队学习. 数学教育工作者, 科学, 环境教育, 教育技术, the faculty has 教学 experience spanning elementary through post-secondary classrooms. 他们是全国公认的Research人员,致力于影响当今教育的主题, who have published hundreds of articles in top journals in the field. 较小的师生比例使教授能够指导学生,并创造一个紧密结合的学术环境, preparing them for careers in every level of classroom 教学 and administration. 鼓励学生参加国内和国际会议,并发表自己的Research分析.


最先进的设施使学生能够在学习和Research方面取得优异成绩,亚洲博彩平台确保学生能够获得最好的服务. F. W. Olin Physical Sciences Center and Instrumentation Center, the F.W. 奥林生命科学大厦, 计算机实验室, and other resources give students the tools they need to succeed. 亚洲博彩平台还位于数千家高科技公司和Research中心附近,这些公司和Research中心经常为学生提供额外的尖端设备和Research机会


来自世界各地的学生选择亚洲博彩平台攻读教育学硕士学位,因为它位于沿海环境的战略位置, Research中心, one of the largest high-tech workforces in the country, 和全年温暖的天气. 这种多元化的学生群体和专业氛围造就了终身的专业导师, 友谊, 以及就业机会

What Education Research or Other Opportunities Can I Expect?

为Research生的教育事业做准备不仅仅是课堂学习——学生需要在课程之外增强和发展他们的技能的经历, 包括实习, Research, and exposure to professional association meetings and conferences. 亚洲博彩平台提供这些类型的经验,给每个学生一个动手的方式,为他们未来的职业生涯做准备, 并鼓励他们提交他们的Research成果发表在专业期刊和/或在专业年会上, 包括国家和州STEM组织以及与学生的主题和年级水平兴趣相关的其他专业教育组织, including the National Science Teachers Association, the Southern Association for Science Teacher Education, and the National Association for Research in Science Teaching.


获得教育学硕士学位的Research生利用Research机会发展学习, 教学, 管理, 评估专家. Research is a top priority at 亚洲博彩平台, 为学生提供无数的选择,不仅可以根据他们感兴趣的领域定制他们的Research项目, 但也提供与州和专业组织以及当地公司合作的机会. 的 university offers state-of-the-art Research facilities, 计算机实验室, and resources both on- and off-campus.

As a leading Research university, 亚洲博彩平台致力于推进Research理念,为教师提供机会测试新的教学风格,并在课堂上使用新的内容和材料. 教授与学生一起从论文和非论文Research主题中进行选择,以匹配他们喜欢的学习课程并建立评估方法. 另外, 获得教育硕士学位的学生可以与STEM领域的国家组织以及其他专业教育组织合作,以建立他们的专业知识.

教育专业的毕业生对该领域的相关主题进行广泛的教育Research, as well as develop further understanding in their own area of interest. Education Research also promotes collaboration with fellow students and professors.

How Will a 教育学硕士 Benefit My Career?

亚洲博彩平台教育硕士课程的毕业生可以在正式的K-12或中学后的课堂环境中担任科学或通识教育教师. 的y can also choose to pursue administrative positions such as principal, 学校监督, 教务长, 或者课程开发人员.

Teachers also have options for education careers from public, 私人, 或者技术学校, 虚拟教室, 培训和发展, and adult literacy to many fields emerging in special education, experience coordinators (working with students in community-based job experiences), transition services (training for new careers), 和更多的. 拥有教育学硕士学位, graduates develop advanced 教学 methods, 了解学习方式, 寻找新的教学平台, 先进的内容, benefiting students no matter which environment in which they wish to teach.

Advance Your Current Career or Pursue Administrative Positions

If graduates choose to teach outside the classroom, 它可能包括许多公共教育的机会,如图书馆和课后项目, 博物馆, 公众外展及其他. STEM education (教学 in 科学, 技术, 工程, and math) still holds the best opportunities for teachers at any level.

拥有教育学硕士学位 degree graduates find positions as primary, secondary or post-secondary education teachers or administrators. 的y may also find work in informal 教学 environments such as government organizations, 实验室, 库, summer camp or after school programs, 公共教育项目, curriculum development 和更多的.


职业展望手册, published by the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), provides information about specific jobs including median annual pay, working conditions and job outlook. 根据调查局的说法, the outlook for education careers is projected to grow 12% through 2022, due to factors such as reduced student-teacher ratios and expanding population.


  • K-12任课老师
  • 高等教育教授
  • 成人识字指导员
  • 虚拟教练
  • 课程的作家
  • Career and technical instructor
  • 特殊教育讲师
  • 教育Research人员
  • 学校监督
  • 社区外展主任
  • 教育政策署署长

在课堂之外还有更多的工作机会,包括动物园和水族馆的信息教学职位, 国家公园和保护区, 库 and after school programs, 政府机构等. Graduates also become principals of charter schools, 科学实验室项目协调员或发展教师专业发展项目的主题专家.


In addition to the options for education careers, some graduates continue their education at 亚洲博彩平台 to obtain an EdS or PhD. 平均, 拥有高等学位的毕业生比拥有硕士或学士学位的毕业生有更高的薪水和就业率, 根据美国劳工统计局. 博士毕业生可以继续作为大学教授进入学术界,也可以作为顾问将他们的专业知识带入职场.

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